A new pain-free tooth decay treatment has been developed by scientists at King’s College London. The procedure typically involves drilling out the decayed tooth and
Author: Camden Roy
How to Choose a Moisturizer For Dry Face
One of the best ways to improve the appearance of your dry skin is to use a good moisturizer. This product is a great choice
Physiologic Overview of Good Health
Health is a state in which disease and infirmity are either absent or the issue is successfully treated with minimal suffering. Over the years, several
Demineralisation and Early Dental Caries Detection
Detecting and managing caries is essential for tooth health and prevention. Caries is a complex, dynamic process involving tooth demineralisation, neutralisation and remineralisation. An imbalance
What Causes Kidney Stones and How to Prevent Them
If you’re concerned about the development of kidney stones, you’re not alone. Many people are also prone to developing them, due to certain conditions and
The Four Pillars of Health
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Fitness Myths – How to Avoid Them
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The Volumetrics Diet
The volumetrics diet focuses on limiting calories while eating high-nutrient, low-calorie foods. It also emphasizes plant-based foods, which tend to be lower in calories, but
Digital Health and the Future of IoT in Healthcare
The rise of connected devices has been driving the rapid growth of digital healthcare. With the use of IoT in healthcare, hospital personnel can automate
The Process of Medicine Development
Many people wonder about the Process of medicine Development and how it can impact the lives of patients. There are many steps that take place