Bleeding Gums and Periodontal Disease

Bleeding Gums and Periodontal Disease

If you have been experiencing bleeding gums for several weeks, you should make an appointment with your dentist to have it checked out. Depending on the cause, the dentist may prescribe a different medication or make adjustments to your current one. Sometimes, bleeding gums are an early sign of periodontal disease, which can be difficult to diagnose without a dental professional’s expertise. There are several treatments for this common problem. To learn more, read on.

If your bleeding gums are caused by infection, there are a few things you should consider before you rush to the dentist. First, check your vitamin levels. Blood sugar is a sign of diabetes, so if your blood sugar is high, you’re more susceptible to gum disease. Moreover, bleeding gums can be a warning sign of leukemia. Leukemia results in low platelet production, which makes it difficult for the gums to stop bleeding.

Second, if you’re brushing vigorously, your gums may be bleed. However, bleeding gums can also be a sign of periodontal disease, a systemic problem caused by an overgrowth of plaque along the gumline. The bacteria in plaque and calculus cause damage to the gums, bone, and teeth. If you ignore the symptoms, they can worsen and even lead to tooth loss if left untreated.

If you’re experiencing frequent bleeding gums, you should first seek medical attention. In many cases, the cause of bleeding gums is minor and should not require immediate treatment. Nevertheless, you should always visit your dentist if you notice any bleeding gums that are accompanied by swelling. You should also be aware of your diet, oral hygiene habits, and the frequency of flossing and brushing. A dental checkup may help diagnose any serious issues affecting your oral health.

Bleeding gums may be a sign that your dental care is not good and that you need to see your dentist. Although you shouldn’t panic, you shouldn’t ignore bleeding gums, especially if you are pregnant. It’s normal to experience bleeding gums during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. A dentist will be able to give you advice on the most effective treatment for your specific case. There are a variety of treatment options available for bleeding gums.

A dentist can perform an oral examination and make recommendations to address the cause. Some people are naturally more susceptible to gingivitis than others. In these cases, heredity may play a role in the disease, since it affects the hormones that influence the sensitivity of the gums. For this reason, pregnancy is a common cause of bleeding gums. Also, pregnancy can result in loose sockets and gum inflammation. If you suspect that you are pregnant, see your dentist as soon as possible.

The first thing to do to treat bleeding gums is to practice good oral hygiene. Make sure to brush and floss twice a day. Flossing regularly after every meal is essential for healthy gums. Using mouthwash regularly will help to kill bacteria and reduce pain. If you don’t have a mouthwash at home, buy some from your local pharmacy or online. There are many mouthwashes on the market that can help treat gingivitis.